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st Patrick’s Day - Ireland's national day that is celebrated around the world

In almost every town in Ireland, the national day, St Patrick’s Day (17th March), is celebrated with a parade.

Thanks to a long history of significant Irish emigration, a good deal of the world’s cities now also celebrate this day.

While in some places you only get to watch the parade, in Sweden you get to be the parade! Come join in as we walk through Stockholm (and Malmö!) putting a smile on people’s faces! The parade takes place on the weekend closest to the 17th.

The parade is organised annually by volunteers from the Swedish-Irish Society with support from the Irish Embassy in Sweden and with generous sponsorship from the Irish Government's Emigrant Support Programme and businesses in the community.  

Without a vibrant society we cannot continue to organise the parade so if you want to support these efforts please read how you can renew/join the society!

In 2024, a special year for the Society, we held two events - one in Stockholm and one in Malmö

Watch our official video of this year's St Patrick's Day parade in Stockholm

Thanks to everyone who sponsored (below), helped out and turned up to make the day such a success!

- Emigrant Support Programme of Ireland
- Suir Engineering
- Kirby Group Engineering
- Jones Engineering
- Collen Construction
- Silverback Staffing
- Carlsberg (Guinness)
- Tourism Ireland
- Wirströms Pub

Journalist Philip O'Connor was also there with his roving microphone as part of his Irish in Sweden podcast. Listen to what some participants had to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpbA0Ileyb4

Image for the parade in Malmö:

For questions or queries about St Patrick's Day events please email events@swedishirish.com

Older Videos and photos

Below a short video capturing the sights, sounds and rain of the 2023 parade, and a below that, a video and photos from a sunnier one in 2022.

St Patrick's Day Parade 2019

Strengthening the cultural bonds between Sweden and Ireland – and having fun while we do it!

Founded in Stockholm in 1949

Registered non-profit organisation: 812800-5769


Full contact details

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